Our Ramadan campaign was met with a generous response from our donors. We were able to collect enough donations to distribute more than 400 food parcels to the families of orphans. Our collaborators on the ground in Iraq worked through some very difficult restrictions during the pandemic and reached as many families and children as they could. With the help of Allah and the support from our sponsors and donors we intend to continue this work throughout the rest of the year.

نحمد الله بأننا استطعنا ان نوصل سلات رمضانية الى عدد كبير من عوائل ايتام العراق رغم صعوبة العمل مع وجود جاءحة كرونا.  وهذا كله بسسب دعمكم لنا بارك الله فيكم وجعله في ميزان حسناتكم